Peach Ringz, also known as “Peach Rings,” is a hybrid strain created through crossing the delicious Marionberry X Eddy OG strains. With this bud, the name says it all in the flavor department. Peach Ringz packs a super sweet and slightly sour peachy flavor into each and every toke. The aroma is very similar, although with a touch of spicy flowers to it, too. A resin favorite, Peach Ringz brings on a super relaxing high that’s ideal for a night when you want to get to sleep but need to kick back and chill before you do. You’ll feel a light cerebral lift coupled with a mild euphoria that boosts your spirits without affecting your energy level in the slightest. A relaxing body high accompanies this state, lulling you further and further into physical sedation before finally allowing you to drift away into a deep and peaceful sleep.
This Peach Ringz weed strain delivers fast-acting, long-lasting effects, including:
- Pure euphoria and creativity
- Relaxation without sedation
- Anchoring body and mental high
With its high THC levels, Peach Ringz is often recommended for:
- chosen to treat insomnia
- muscle spasms or cramps
- appetite loss or nausea
Peach Ringz bud has spade-shaped minty green nugs with dark olive undertones, thin amber hairs and a frosty thick coating of tiny white crystal trichomes.
Order Peach Ringz Sativa today from High DC Delivery! DC Weed Dispensary Delivery. Available in 1/8 oz to 1 oz, starting at just $40.
Donations | ||||||
1/8 oz $40 | 1/4 oz $70 | 1/2 oz $120 | 1 oz $230 |
Details | ||||||
Shelf | Premium Flower | |||||
Strain | Hybrid |